Curriculum Vision
The best curriculum inspires, builds confidence and prepares young people for life and work.
Our intent is to provide a broad, balanced and text-rich curriculum; one which embraces our core beliefs of Explore, Fulfil, Flourish and which provides the deep knowledge and understanding needed to allow all students to develop into independent, inquisitive, imaginative and insightful citizens who contribute positively to their communities.
This will be achieved through a determined focus across all areas of the curriculum on the 4I’s: Inquisitiveness, Independence, Imagination and Insightfulness. Curriculum leaders will incorporate these core principles into the programmes of study for all year groups, and all teachers will plan to ensure that they are a key part of all lessons.
Ambitious curriculum plans outline key knowledge, concepts, skills and assessment foci; these plans are mapped for progression to ensure that knowledge, concepts and skills provide secure foundations, build robustly on prior learning and are sequenced appropriately for all learners.
Ambitions for our students:
We strive to achieve:
- An ambitious, text-rich, knowledge-based curriculum which provides opportunities for deep learning for all students.
- Opportunities for students to take creative risks and to be critical thinkers.
- The development of good work habits and the skills required to pursue independent learning across the curriculum.
- Literacy and Numeracy skills embedded across the curriculum to allow all students access to learning.
- An environment that supports and develops career and future learning opportunities for all students and staff.
- An inclusive culture in which all are valued and supported to fulfill their potential and flourish.
- A healthy, happy and courteous body of students who complete their 11-18 education at Joyce Frankland Academy and who, having fulfilled their potential here and having contributed positively to our community, are ready to move to the next phase of their learning.
- A professional body of staff who work cooperatively in teams to support learning for all members of the Academy.
If you would like further information on the curriculum followed by the Academy please contact Mr Ian Stoneham, Vice Principal,