We are all proud of our Academy and student uniform plays a key part in this. If students maintain high personal standards with their uniform, it gives them a sense of belonging to the Academy and helps with personal discipline. All students in Years 7-11 must wear correct Academy uniform which is defined as:

Plain navy with the Academy logo.

Plain navy V neck with the Academy logo (Note the sweatshirt is being phased out – 2017 intake students are not to wear them. The Academy Parliament helped to select a better quality, more comfortable jumper which will be available to purchase at Grey Palmer from Summer ‘17).

Plain white to be worn tucked in. Both short and long sleeve shirts are permitted.

In the Academy tartan and to sit just above the knee.

Plain black or charcoal grey, tailored fit. Skinny fit styles and black denim must not be worn.

Tie Knotted closely to the shirt collar, covering the top button and worn at reasonable length. Each House has its own colour tie.

Plain black, smart, leather or leather-look. Black trainers or ‘Converse’ style are not permitted. Heels should be no higher than 4cm. Plain black ankle boots are now permitted.

Only plain, black belts are accepted.

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